[E-rundbrief] Info 2152 - ICC of the international No to war – no to NATO network - Statement

Matthias Reichl info at begegnungszentrum.at
Do Feb 3 12:32:55 CET 2022

E-Rundbrief Info 2152 - Statement of the ICC International No to war – 
no to NATO network.

Bad Ischl, 3.2.2021

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



International No to war – no to NATO network


Statement of the ICC of the international No to war – no to NATO network


24. January 2022

Tensions between NATO and Russia – two nuclear-armed powers – are 
reaching alarming proportions. We call for an end to this confrontation: 
if it doesn’t end, everyone will lose. Ukraine is already paying a heavy 
economic and human price as a result of these hostilities, unnecessarily 
stirred up internationally and nationally. Following this politics of 
confrontation to its logical conclusion means that many people will die.

Europe needs a genuine security policy based on cooperation, mutual 
respect and trust. Currently, NATO’s own security policy threatens to 
drag Europe into a devastating war because it refuses to take Russian 
security interests into account. NATO’s expansionary policy refuses to 
rule out membership for Ukraine. This crosses a red line for Russia 
which sees this as a serious breach of its own security interests. 
Dialogue is essential to resolve these issues – war is not the answer.

Meanwhile the people of Ukraine are suffering, Despite the Minsk 
agreements, the violent clashes in eastern Ukraine – which emerged in 
the wake of the violent coup in Kiev – continue. NATO and Russia are 
adding fuel to the fire through arms deliveries, troop deployments and 
military exercises. These provocations and preparation for war have to stop.

The hostility between the US/NATO and Russia has repercussions for other 
regional and international challenges that require cooperation. This new 
Cold War with its expensive and dangerous new arms race is diverting 
resources from working together to solve the climate catastrophe and 
other major problems.

We urge all parties involved to stop pursuing a military path and to 
work towards a new security policy for Europe based on the following 

     A new security architecture based on the concept of the principles 
of “common security” in the spirit of the principles of the Helsinki 
Final Act 1975, as reaffirmed in the Paris Charter of the Organization 
for Security and Co-operation in Europe (1990). This states that 
security is indivisible and that the security of one state is linked to 
the security of all others.

     Further NATO enlargements are a provocative breach of the principle 
of ‘common security’ and must be stopped. Ukraine should be given the 
status of a neutral state with accompanying security guarantees.
     The Russian proposals for an agreement with NATO and a treaty with 
the US should be taken seriously and can serve as a basis for building a 
new European security architecture with mutually agreed security 
measures and guarantees. This means, among other things, that no new 
weapon systems or troops will be deployed in the border zone between 
NATO and Russia, not even on a so-called rotational basis.

     The principle of disarmament must once again be central. This 
applies in particular to nuclear disarmament with the objective of a 
nuclear-weapon-free zone for the whole of Europe.

     The conflict in Ukraine should not be further fuelled by arms 
transfers, manoeuvres and the provocative deployment of troops. The 
parties in Ukraine should be urged to respect the Minsk II agreements 
such as the ceasefire, secure access for humanitarian aid, withdrawal of 
all foreign troops and military equipment, constitutional reform with 
decentralization as a central element and respect for minority rights 
and a political process in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. In 
addition, a plan is needed for the economic reconstruction of the 
country and the strengthening of democracy and institutions.

Our demands are clear:
Dissolution of NATO – for “common security”, solidarity, sustainability 
and disarmament.

       International network no-to-nato.org

24. January 2022


     Matthias Reichl, Pressesprecher/ press speaker,
     Begegnungszentrum fuer aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
     Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
     Wolfgangerstr. 26, 4820 Bad Ischl, Austria,
     fon: +43 6132 24590, Informationen/ informations,
     Impressum in: http://www.begegnungszentrum.at

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