[E-rundbrief] Info 568 - Nuclear Power and Weapons - NPT-speech.

Matthias Reichl info at begegnungszentrum.at
So Jun 24 15:39:25 CEST 2007

E-Rundbrief - Info 568 - Alice Slater (Nuclear 
Age Peace Foundation, USA)/ Matthias Reichl: 
Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons. 
NGO-plenary-statement, 2.5.2007, at the 
UNO-conference of the Preparatory-committee 
(NPT-PrepCom) for the Review-conference on 
Non-Prolifeartion of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 
Vienna (Austria Center, 30.4. - 11.5.2007). Siehe auch Infos 538 u. 557.

Bad Ischl, 24.6.2007

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons

Matthias Reichl

(Center for Encounters and Active Non-Violence and Antiatom International),
one of the NGO-delegates, plenary-statement, 2.5.2007

NGO-plenary-statement, 2.5.2007 at the 
UNO-conference of the Preparatory-committee 
(NPT-PrepCom) for the Review-conference on 
Non-Prolifeartion of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 
Vienna (Austria Center, 30.4. - 11.5.2007)

(Written by Alice Slater/ Waging Peace, USA. 
Slightly edited by Matthias Reichl)

Recent crises with Iran and the Democratic 
Peoples Republic of (North) Korea illustrate the 
dangerous links between nuclear weapons and 
nuclear power and the risks of nuclear fuel-cycle 
technology. These issues reflect fundamental 
instabilities in the pillars that uphold the NPT (Non-Proliferation-Treaty).

Article IV cites an ”inalienable right” to 
"peaceful" nuclear technology should be 
understood in the context of the NPT bargain, and 
not as a claim that is a fundamental aspect of 
sovereignty. The "right" to nuclear energy, may 
be limited or extinguished over time by 
subsequent developments and agreements. The NPT 
Article V promise of access to the "benefits" of 
"peaceful" nuclear explosions was superseeded by 
the abandonment of the notion of such projects as 
digging canals with nuclear explosive devices and 
by the adoption of the Comprehensive Test Ban 
Treaty (CTBT). Any right, must be exercised in 
the conformity with international law, and is 
subject to limits upon the health, environmental 
and security rights of the global community.

The Article IV-based ”right” has enabled states 
to build infrastructure for producing nuclear 
weapons in a matter of weeks or months under the 
guise of ”peaceful” civilian energy. The same 
facilities producing low-enriched uranium fuel 
for energy can produce high-enriched uranium 
for  weapons. All commercial nuclear power 
reactors are now producing plutonium as a 
by-product which can be reprocessed for use in nuclear weapons.

The nuclear industry and some governments are 
actively promoting nuclear power as a solution to 
global warming. Studies show that nuclear power 
is not carbon emissions free. Every step of the 
nuclear fuel cycle - mining, development, 
production, transportation and disposal of waste 
- relies on fossil fuel and produces greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, studies conclude that nuclear power 
is the slowest and costliest way to reduce CO2 
missions, as financing nuclear power diverts 
scarce resources from investments in renewable 
energy and energy efficiency. The enormous costs 
of nuclear power per unit of carbon emissions 
reduced would actually worsen our ability to 
abate climate change as we would be buying less 
carbon-free energy per Dollar spent on nuclear 
power compared to the emissions we would be save 
by investing those dollars in solar, wind or 
energy efficiency. Moreover, the spread of 
nuclear power plants increases the risks of 
diversion of nuclear material for weapons use, 
theft by terrorists, or the spread of knowledge 
which could be employed in a clandestine nuclear 
bomb program. It also increaes the risk of 
terrorist attacks on reactors and their spent 
fuel stores. Using the enormous investments that 
are planned for nuclear power, to clean, safe, 
climate-friendly energy production and energy 
efficiency would be a much wiser use of resources.

Another troubling threat to the NPT's disarmament 
promise is the US-India nuclear energy deal 
announced in March 2006. International rules and 
institutions derived from the NPT have prevented 
non-Member States from using commercial imports 
of nuclear technology and fuel to aid their 
nuclear weapons ambitions. This deal is dangerous 
for the NPT because commercial uranium imports 
for safeguarded reactors will free up more of 
India's domestic uranium for its military 
program, which will remain unsafeguarded and free 
of the necessity of IAEA inspections. The 
US-India deal is nothing short of a recipe by 
which India can increase its nuclear arsenal by 
hundreds of warheads over the next several years. 
The former head of India's official National 
Security Advisory Board has argued that: "Given 
India's uranium ore crunch, it is to India's 
advantage to categorize as many power reactors as 
possible as civilian ones to be refueled by 
imported uranium and conserve our native uranium 
fuel for weapons grade plutonium production."

India already has about 500 kilograms of weapons 
grade plutonium, sufficient for roughly 100 
nuclear warheads - about 11.5 tons of reactor 
grade plutonium produced in the spent fuel of its 
power reactors. Under the terms of the deal, this 
stock of plutonium, too, would be kept out of 
safeguards and also its Prototype Fast Breeder 
Reactor, scheduled to start in 2010. It will be 
fueled with reactor-grade plutonium and will 
produce weapons-grade plutonium resulting in a 
four-fold increase in India's current weapons 
plutonium production rate. By substituting 
imports for domestic uranium and expanding 
existing uranium recycling efforts, India also 
might be able to produce up to 200 kg a year of 
weapon grade plutonium in its unsafeguarded power reactors.

Pakistan’s response, whould be predictable, as is 
China’s. Nuclear policy analysts Zia Mian, M. V. 
Ramana and Frank von Hippel have warned that ”a 
dramatic acceleration in the nuclear arms race in 
South Asia may be triggered by this deal. Such a 
development would be both dangerous and costly, 
and set back the efforts for peace and 
development in South Asia.” (1) The US-India 
nuclear energy deal undermines the basic 
principle on which the NPT was founded. If India, 
which developed nuclear weapons while remaining 
outside the NPT, is granted the same privileges 
as treaty members - indeed, virtually the same 
privileges as the nuclear weapons states - then 
other countries may well ask what benefit they 
derive from adhering to their NPT commitments.

To come into force, however, the US-India deal 
requires assent by the Nuclear Suppliers Group 
(NSG) of countries. Each of the 45 NSG members, 
who are all parties to the NPT, must agree to 
change its rules and allow nuclear sales to 
India. We urge the NSG to reject the terms of 
this deal and to prohibit its implementation as 
inconsistent with United Nations Security Council 
Resolution 1172, adopted on 6 June 1998, and 
referenced in the 2000 NPT Final Document. The 
Resolution, passed unanimously, asks India and 
Pakistan "immediately to stop their nuclear 
weapon development programs, to refrain from 
weaponization or from the deployment of nuclear 
weapons, to cease development of ballistic 
missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons 
and any further production of fissile material 
for nuclear weapons." It also encourages all 
states to ”prevent the export of equipment, 
materials or technology that could in any way 
assist programs in India or Pakistan for nuclear 
weapons." Indeed, the best course for the NSG 
would be to wait until NPT states parties have 
taken a decision on the matter, which may not 
occur until the 2010 Review Conference.

Rather than foster a potentially large expansion 
of the South Asian nuclear arms race, the NSG and 
all NPT signatories should reaffirm their 
commitment to the 2000 Review Conference 
statement and support the United Nations Security 
Council Resolution. They should try to strengthen 
the long-standing international effort to end all 
production of highly enriched uranium and plutonium to make nuclear weapons.

The dispute over Iran’s nuclear program continues 
to escalate. On March 24, 2007, the Security 
Council unanimously adopted resolution 1747 
following up on Iran’s failure to implement the 
Council’s demands in resolution 1737 to suspend 
its uranium enrichment and heavy water programs, 
dramatically increasing the possibility of an 
armed confrontation. Despite the false sense of 
urgency that has been ascribed to the Iran 
crisis, US intelligence officials stated recently 
that Iran would not likely be able to acquire a 
nuclear weapon until the middle of the next 
decade. Meanwhile, about a dozen states in the 
Middle East recently expressed interest for the 
first time in starting nuclear power programs, 
and the IAEA has agreed to assist the Gulf 
Cooperation Council in developing nuclear power.

The Bush administration has taken a consistently 
aggressive line in dealing with this situation, 
pushing for strong action, while simultaneously 
refusing to negotiate directly with Iran. Now, it 
seems as if US administration, is moving toward a military solution.

Although many doubts have been expressed about 
the US willingness to use nuclear weapons in an 
attac on Iran, US policy allows for the use of 
nuclear weapons for exactly this kind of mission. 
Any military intervention by the US and it's 
allies in Iran would certainly prompt a military 
response by Iran, spreading the human 
consequences across international borders und 
fueling instability across a wider Middle East. 
The US and Israel have both stated that "all 
options are on the table", and have not be 
willing to forswear the "nuclear option" when 
asked to clarify their intentions. While the NGOs 
assembled here believe that no military option 
should be on the table for addressing allegations 
about Iran's nuclear ambitions, the idea of a 
nuclear first strike against Iran is an 
intolerable breach of both the letter and the 
spirit of the NPT, and should be reputiated at this PrepCom.

The disputing parties should heed Mohamed 
ElBaradei's calls for mutual and sequential 
confidence-building measures that would allow for 
a return to negotiations. There is an urgent need 
for a new diplomatic initiative.

The Iran situation underscores the risks 
associated with the unchecked spread of the 
nuclear fuel-cycle. Only the global phase-out of 
nuclear power will put this inherent and 
intractable proliferation risk to rest. Since the 
2005 Review, however, we have seen the 
acceleration of plans for a top-down, centrally 
controlled Global Nuclear Energy Partnership that 
is nothing more than a nightmare scenario of 
plutonium in constant transit, subject to 
terrorist theft and negligent accidents on land 
and on sea. Regardless of where nuclear fuel 
production facilities are located they bring with 
them the fear and possibility of weapons 
proliferation and ultimately represent a 
formidable roadblock on the path to elimination 
of nuclear weapons. The continued existence of 
nationally based nuclear fuel-cycle facilities 
and the system of nuclear apartheid embodied in 
the GNEP would be formidable barriers to the 
verifiability of a nuclear-weapons-free world. 
But, any scheme that seeks to mitigate the risk 
posed by nuclear fuel-cycle technology, such as 
the proposals for multilateral controls suggested 
by Mohamed ElBaradei, could exacerbate these 
problems by spreading knowledge and equipment 
that could be used in clandestine programs or in a breakout scenario.

We must guard against the prevalent scientific 
machismo where scientific and technological 
elites are pushing the agenda for this lethal 
technology. Interestingly, in US President 
Eisenhower’s noted farewell address in which he 
warned about the dangers of the military-industry 
complex, he also cautioned against the abuse of 
science, warning that: ”In holding scientific 
research and discovery in respect, as we should, 
we must also be alert to the equal and opposite 
danger that public policy could itself becomes 
the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” (2)

As we meet in Vienna to recognize the 50th 
anniversary of the International Atomic Energy 
Agency, we wish to draw attention to our 
long-standing concern over the IAEA’s dual 
mission to prevent proliferation, while promoting 
"peaceful" nuclear technology. We commend the 
Agency for its useful role in guarding against 
proliferation. Nevertheless, this schizophrenic 
mission undermines those efforts leaving the IAEA 
susceptible to undue influence by the nuclear 
industry. Having recently commemorated the 20th 
anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, we are 
particularly disturbed that, to this day, the 
numbers of deaths, cancers, and other illnesses 
attributable to the world’s worst nuclear reactor 
disaster have been understated in official 
publications of the IAEA and the WHO.

Confronting the risk posed by the proliferation 
of "peaceful" nuclear technology must be placed 
on a par with the reduction and elimination of 
nuclear weapons. As a permanent solution, we 
support the establishment of an International 
Sustainable Energy Agency, and a transfer of the 
current subsidies for nuclear energy and fossil 
fuel development - about $ 250 billion per year - 
to fund a new agency with a crash program to 
build a universal and non-discriminatory global 
energy system based on clean, efficient, and 
renewable energy sources. NPT PrepComs and 
Reviews would be useful platforms for the exploration of such alternatives.

(1) Z. Mian, M.V. Ramana, F. von Hippel. Feeding 
potential for South Asia's nuclear fire. Asahi Shimbun. March 29, 2007.

(2) Eisenhower, Dwight D. Farewell Address. 
January 17, 1961. www.independent.org/issues/article.asp?id=1133

The Audio-file of this speech "Nuclear Power and 
Nuclear Weapons": 

A documentation of the whole UN-conference, including NGO-statements - see:

Texts by Alice Slater, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (USA): www.wagingpeace.org

Einen der täglichen NGO-Berichte - auch zur 
UNO-Konferenz - findet ihr im E-Rundbrief Info 
538, meinen Bericht "Kriegerische und 
'friedliche' Atomtechnik" im Info 557. Auf der 
Homepage von "Reaching Critical Will" 
sind sämtliche Texte der Regierungsdelegationen 
und auch unsere Beiträge dokumentiert. Der 
Textentwurf "Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons" 
steht in "Gruppe 1" auf Seite 11-15. Meine - 
veränderte - Originalrede ist unter "Audio" 
anzuhören - beides in: 


Matthias Reichl, Pressesprecher/ press speaker,
     Begegnungszentrum fuer aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
     Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
     Wolfgangerstr. 26, A-4820 Bad Ischl, Austria,
     fon: +43 6132 24590, Informationen/ informations,
     Impressum in: http://www.begegnungszentrum.at
Spenden-Konto Nr. 0600-970305 (Blz. 20314) 
Sparkasse Bad Ischl, Geschäftsstelle Pfandl
IBAN: AT922031400600970305    BIC: SKBIAT21XXX  

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