[E-rundbrief] Info 142 - RB Nr. 114 - AKW Temelin Protest; Kritik an IAEA

Matthias Reichl mareichl at ping.at
Di Okt 26 17:30:24 CEST 2004

E-Rundbrief - Info 142 - RB Nr. 114 - Protest gegen das AKW Temelin; Kritik 
an der Internationalen Atomenergie Agentur/ IAEA

Bad Ischl, 26.10.2004

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



Protest gegen das AKW Temelin

Dreihundert Österreicher/innen, Deutsche und Tschechen blockierten am 16. 
Oktober ab Mittag bei Wullowitz die Grenze. Ihr Protest richtete sich gegen 
die am 11. Oktober überraschend erfolgte Genehmigung für den kommerziellen 
Betrieb des AKW Temelin durch das tschechische Staatsamt für 
Kernsicherheit. Die AKW-Gegner werten dies als Bruch des "Melker Abkommens" 
und zürnen über "beschwichtigende" Kommentare von Umweltminister Dipl. Ing. 
Josef Pröll.

Die Umweltaktivisten drohen mit einem "Marsch auf Wien", wenn Pröll nicht 
rasch der tschechischen Regierung den österreichischen Protest vorträgt. Er 
beinhaltet auch die Forderung nach einer hundertprozentigen Garantie für 
die Beseitigung der Sicherheitsmängel im AKW-Temelin.

Ernst Gansinger. Aus "Kirchenzeitung der Diözese Linz Nr. 43 / 21.10.2004)

Zur Zeit läuft noch die Unterschriftenkampagne "Einwendung im Rahmen des 
grenzüberscheitenden UVP-Verfahrens zum Projekt Zwischenlager für 
abgebrannte Brennstäbe am Gelände des AKW Temelin". (Unterschriftenlisten 
u.a. bei der Überparteilichen Plattform gegen Atomgefahren, Landstr. 
31/223, Tel. 0732-774275, www.antiatom.info)

Mathilde Halla von der überparteilichen o.ö. Plattform gegen Atomgefahren 
hatte vor kurzem gemeinsam mit Initiativenvertretern aus Salzburg, 
Niederösterreich und Wien  einen 20-minütigen Gesprächstermin bei dem 
neugewählten Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer. Sie bemühten sich, ihm die 
wachsenden Gefährdungen durch die AKWs sowohl in den Nachbarländern als 
auch weltweit, sowie die Forderungen der Kampagne für eine atomfreies 
Europa einsichtig zu machen. Die zu knappe Zeit erlaubte keinen 
tiefergehenden Dialog, was die Atomgegner enttäuschte, hatte doch Heinz 
Fischer im Wahlkampf wesentlich mehr Verständnis und Engagement signalisiert.
Über die internationale Linzer Konferenz über die militärische und zivile 
Atomgefahren und den Vorstoß zur Umgestaltung der Internationalen 
Atomenergie Agentur (IAEA) in eine Institution zur Forderung erneuerbarer 
Energien berichte ich im nächsten "Rundbrief" (bzw. mit Originaltexten im 
Matthias Reichl


Eines der Resultate der internationalen Linzer Konferenz über die 
militärische und zivile Atomgefahren

Kritik an der Internationalen Atomenergie Agentur/ IAEA


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

below we send you the letter "Inevitable connection between nuclear power 
and nuclear weapons - Deficiencies of international non-proliferation 
regimes connected with the promotion of nuclear energy" which was drafted 
by Prof. Yablokov at the Follow-up meeting on 3rd/4th of October in Linz. 
This is a very serious problem and therefore it is very important that many 
organisations worldwide sign this letter in order to achieve as much 
attention as possible. If  you agree with this letter, please send an email 
to elvira.poeschko at aon.at until the latest stating your name,organisation 
and country. The letter will be sent on the memorial day of the bikini 
atoll. Please also circulate this letter to your mailing lists!

Thanks in advance for your support!


To: UN Secretary General With copies to: IAEA, national representatives to 
UN, media, NGO community

We, the undersigned organisations, would like to bring your attention to 
the urgent deficiencies of international non-proliferation regimes 
connected with the promotion of nuclear energy.

Today, many countries can obtain nuclear weapons because of the undeniable 
and inevitable connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. The 
existing system of non-proliferation treaties and IAEA safeguard systems 
have failed to put a halt to proliferation since their conception.

The fact that the concepts of "atoms for peace" and "atoms for war" are 
indistinguishable from one another has led to the current crisis situation 
where the nuclear programs of countries such as Iran and North Korea are 
causing such concern amongst the international community.

The IAEA has identified the prevention of nuclear weapons proliferation as 
a major challenge but it acknowledges the "failed operation of the export 
control regime, as evidenced by the recently discovered black market of 
nuclear material and equipment" and " the perilous spread of fuel cycle 
technology." As the IAEA states, under the current non-proliferation 
regime, there is nothing illicit in a non-nuclear-weapons state having 
enrichment or reprocessing technology, or possessing weapon-grade nuclear 
material; and if a State with a fully developed fuel-cycle capability and 
highly industrialised infrastructure were to decide to reject its non- 
proliferation commitments, it could produce a nuclear weapon within a 
matter of months.

The IAEA has recently acknowledged that in order to address these 
vulnerabilities, it needs to bring the production of new fuel, the 
processing of weapon-usable material, and the disposal of spent fuel and 
radioactive waste under multi-national control and claims that advantages 
in terms of cost, safety, security and non- proliferation could accrue from 
such a multi-national approach. It is not clear how the same multi-national 
approach that has failed to accomplish non-proliferation of nuclear weapons 
or addressed many other crucial issues could accomplish this.

This public admission of failure by IAEA amounts to an appeal for the 
overhaul of international non-proliferation regimes and we the undersigned 
would like to add our support to this call.

At present, the nuclear establishment operates as a state within a state 
without any accountability, transparency or public debate, especially where 
budgetary considerations are involved. It is not in the public interest to 
allow such practices to continue. Civil society has experienced the erosion 
of democratic and human rights and we would request that you initiate a 
discussion on these matters within the UN structure and would, as principal 
stakeholders, be willing to participate in such a discussion.

Our aim is a world free of nuclear technology and to achieve this we 
suggest that the existing IAEA be substituted with an agency for the 
efficient control of all nuclear facilities (military and civilian) and 
materials, and that excludes the promotion of nuclear technology from its 
mandate. We would also advocate the installation of a new International 
Renewables Energy Agency (IREA) for the promotion of renewable energy, 
which is today already capable of completely substituting the dangerous and 
environmentally destructive nuclear and fossil fuel energy sources, and 
supports the efficient use of energy. The sun sends 7000 times the amount 
of energy as the sum consumed by the entire world at present to the surface 
of the earth. It is a question of political will, and not of technology, to 
enable the provision of the global supply of electrical energy with clean 
renewable energy sources within a decade or two.

Überparteiliche Plattform gegen Atomgefahren, Landstr. 31/223, A-4020 Linz, 
Tel. 0732-774275, www.antiatom.info


Matthias Reichl

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit


A-4820 Bad Ischl

Tel. +43-6132-24590

e-mail: mareichl at ping.at


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