[E-rundbrief] Info 1019 - Gaza Freedom-Flotilla II - Israeli attacks

Matthias Reichl info at begegnungszentrum.at
Mo Jun 13 12:15:34 CEST 2011

E-Rundbrief - Info 1019 - “Freedom Flotilla II- Stay Human” mission to 
Gaza, Palestine - Nonviolent Protests against Israeli attacks - 
statements of government officials in Israel (echoed by officials in 
other countries) about diplomatic initiatives to impede the “Freedom 
Flotilla II- Stay Human” mission to Gaza, Palestine.

Bad Ischl, 13.6.2011

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



Dear Israel: It is YOU who is the provocateur, not us

As we get ready to sail in two weeks, Israel has stepped up the 
threats, threatening to sue the Canadians who are going, threatening 
to sue the satellite phone company if they provide us with service, 
threatening to kill and maim us if we don't stop, then saying, "I told 
you so...we said we would kill you."

This behavior has got to stop. Israel is behaving like the schoolyard 
bully who parents and teachers fear, because his parents are rich and 
have contributed to the school. It's time for us to put our foot down.

Start calling your member of parliament/congress now. Start writing 
letters to the editor. Start a civil movement on social networks of 
outrage against Israel's attacks on civilians. Distribute this 
statement below and post on your websites.

We CAN stop Israeli attacks against us if we work together.



June 12, 2011

Regarding statements of government officials in Israel (echoed by 
officials in other countries) about diplomatic initiatives to impede 
the “Freedom Flotilla II- Stay Human” mission to Gaza, Palestine, we say:

Proper diplomacy does not exclude humanitarian action; Instead of 
seeking to prevent an international community of concerned citizens 
from taking nonviolent action in defense of liberty and human rights, 
diplomacy must pursue such actions and encourage them.

It is, therefore, a provocation to label the humanitarian action taken 
by movements supporting human rights to sail to Gaza a “provocation.”

It is a provocation that powerful states and international 
organizations, such as the US, Israel, the EU and the UN, are asking 
people to be silent and not react to violations of law and the disdain 
for universal values.

It is a provocation that international diplomacy is demanding that 
solidarity action from "people to people" be stopped.

It is a provocation that this international peaceful action is 
threatened with violence, and the powerful of the earth “wash their 
hands” of the consequences if Israel attacks us.

It is a provocation that these powerful entities justify, a priori, 
the murders, wounding, arrests and torture of unarmed human rights 
activists that took place one year ago on board all six ships of 
Freedom Flotilla 1.

We are determined to sail to Gaza, and we will. Our cause is just and 
our means are transparent. International diplomacy must do what it has 
refused to do for years, to undertake initiatives that it has turned 
away from for decades. Instead of condoning threats of repeated 
violence against unarmed civilians sailing in international waters, 
the global community must legally sanction the perpetrators of such 

Those who seek to uphold and defend freedom, human rights, and justice 
must do more than denounce belligerent occupation, man-made 
humanitarian crises, ethnic cleansing, wanton violence against 
civilians, and the fierce oppression of social movements.

Civil society must be present, direct, and pro-active; it must 
transcend the political process of handling and resolving crises, 
which governments and international organizations carry out slowly, 
indecisively and, above all, with their self-interest at the forefront.

The grossly unjust and unlawful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the 
ongoing belligerent occupation of the rest of Palestine is a stark 
case of states sacrificing principle and human rights for power and 

The Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human mission is a healthy reaction to 
the apathy of the international political community. We are sailing to 
confront massive injustice with global nonviolent action. This mission 
puts on notice all those who, for many years, have passively watched 
the tragedy of Palestine, as well as those who directly contribute to it.

Therefore, direct action taken by civil society to uphold freedom, 
human rights, and justice (such as Freedom Flotilla II - Stay Human), 
not only helps to build a different level of conscience, but is, and 
has to be, a means for the public to become a part of change and a 
direct challenge to governmental bodies that will not be stopped.


Matthias Reichl, Pressesprecher/ press speaker,
Begegnungszentrum fuer aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
Wolfgangerstr. 26, A-4820 Bad Ischl, Austria,
fon: +43 6132 24590, Informationen/ informations,
Impressum in: http://www.begegnungszentrum.at
Spenden-Konto Nr. 0600-970305 (Blz. 20314) Sparkasse Salzkammergut,
Geschäftsstelle Pfandl
IBAN: AT922031400600970305 BIC: SKBIAT21XXX


Ausgezeichnet mit dem (österr.) "Journalismus-Preis von unten 2010"

Honoured by the (Austrian) "Journalism-Award from below 2010"

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