[E-rundbrief] Info 2241 - Pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko

Maria Reichl maria at begegnungszentrum.at
Mo Sep 18 23:03:13 CEST 2023

E-Rundbrief Info 2241 - Send a protest eMail to Ukrainian government: 
Stop the proceedings against pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko

Bad Ischl 19. 9. 2023

Heute senden wir euch die Email von Connection e.V. 
<office at Connection-eV.org> mit dem Betreff Send a protest eMail to 
Ukrainian government: Stop the proceedings against pacifist Yurii 
Matthias und Maria Reichl

EBCO, WRI, IFOR and Connection e.V.
Ukraine: Stop the proceedings against Yurii Sheliazhenko
Please send a protest eMail

For more information, please visit https://en.Connection-eV.org/article-3868

Yurii Sheliazhenko, conscientious objector, pacifist, human rights 
defender and the Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, 
has been placed under partial house arrest in Kyiv on 15th August, being 
accused of ‘justifying the Russian aggression’.

The sole "evidence” for this charge has been presented to be the 
Statement of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, adopted at the meeting on 
International Day of Peace 21 September 2022, entitled "Peace Agenda for 
Ukraine and the World”. What’s more, the statement explicitly condemns 
Russian aggression.

Send an email of support for Yurii to the President Volodymyr Zelenskyy 
using the template letter here.

Yurii Sheliazhenko is a prisoner of conscience detained simply for 
peacefully expressing his genuine pacifist views, and should be 
immediately and unconditionally released and all the charges against him 
dropped. The Ukrainian authorities should respect the right to freedom 
of expression and stop the crackdown on Yurii Sheliazhenko and the 
Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, which reveals their growing intolerance for 

Yurii’s first trial following his partial house arrest is going to take 
place on 20th September, Wednesday. International solidarity is crucial 
for him. Support Yurii by:

     Sending your emails of protest to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr 
Zelenskyy using the email address letter at apu.gov.ua. Simply copy and 
paste the text here on your email body, add your name/surname (and 
organisation if you’re affiliated with any organisation) at the end of 
the text and click on the send button. Please write ‘Release Yurii 
Sheliazhenko’ on the subject line of your email and cc info at wri-irg.org 
to your email.
     Organising solidarity actions in front of the Ukrainian Embassy of 
your country. Alongside sending emails of protest, show your support for 
Yurii  with your nonviolent actions in front of the Ukrainian Embassies. 
This can be a vigil, press conference, and/or simply delivering your 
letters of support in person to the Ukrainian Embassy of your country.

War Resisters’ International (WRI), European Bureau for Conscientious 
Objection (EBCO, Connection e.V. and International Fellowship of 
Reconciliation (IFOR) strongly condemn all actions of harassment and all 
attempts of intimidation against pacifists and conscientious objectors, 
including Yurii Sheliazhenko, as well as all cases of forced recruitment 
and even abduction of conscripts to the involved armies in the war in 
Ukraine, and all persecutions of conscientious objectors, deserters and 
non-violent anti-war protestors in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and elsewhere.

Find a background of events leading to Yurii’s partial house arrest here.

#ObjectWarCampaign: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine: Protection and asylum for 
deserters and conscientious objectors to military service.
Alexia Tsouni (English, Greek), European Bureau for Conscientious 
Objection (EBCO), ebco at ebco-beoc.org, www.ebco-beoc.org
Semih Sapmaz (English, Turkish), War Resisters’ International (WRI), 
semih at wri-irg.org, www.wri-irg.org
Christian Renoux (French, English), International Fellowship of 
Reconciliation (IFOR), office at ifor.org, www.ifor.org
Rudi Friedrich (Deutsch, English), Connection e.V., 
office at Connection-eV.org, www.Connection-eV.org
Yurii Sheliazhenko (Ukrainian, English, Russian), Ukrainian Pacifist 
Movement, yuriy.sheliazhenko at gmail.com, http://pacifism.org.ua/

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Connection e.V., Von-Behring-Str. 110, 63075 Offenbach
Tel.: 069-82375534, Fax 069-82375535
eMail: office at Connection-eV.org, Website: www.Connection-eV.org


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Belarus and Ukraine

Contribute your donation online or to IBAN DE47 5055 0020 0006 0853 77 
at Sparkasse Offenbach



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Mit freundlichen Grüßen von
Maria Reichl (Obfrau)
Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
Wolfgangerstr. 26, 4820 Bad Ischl, Österreich Tel: 06132-24590
Impressum in: https://www.begegnungszentrum.at

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