[E-rundbrief] Info - 1658 - Hurrikan Harvey in USA und Klimawandel

Matthias Reichl info at begegnungszentrum.at
Sa Sep 2 18:18:15 CEST 2017

E-Rundbrief - Info 1658 - Naomi Klein (USA) über den Hurrikan Harvey 
und den von Menschen verursachten Klimawandel ergänzt durch weitere 
Kommentare in den US-Medien.

Bad Ischl, 2.9.2017

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



Naomi Klein über Hurrikan Harvey und Klimawandel

(Bisher anscheinend nur auf Englisch):

Naomi Klein's Message to the Media Covering Houston: Now is the Time 
to Talk About Climate Change. 2017/8/30/


And more texts on Houston: www.democracynow.org


Why we need to talk about climate change when covering Hurricane 
Harvey. 2017/08/28



Anderer Bericht - schon am 6. Dezember 2016:

Texas floods, Climate change and Donald Trump.2016/12/06

Boomtown, Flood Town (Full Text) | The Texas Tribune

     "On top of that, scientists say climate change is causing 
torrential rainfall to happen more often, meaning storms that used to 
be considered “once-in-a-lifetime” events are happening with greater 
frequency. Rare storms that have only a miniscule chance of occurring 
in any given year have repeatedly battered the city in the past 15 years."


The Political Roots of Houston’s Flooding
Roane Carey on how the city’s developers are fighting a losing battle 
against climate change.
By Jon Wiener, 2017/09/01


Hurrican Harvey Toxic Sites (with map)
SierraClub Aug 31 2017
Our Interactive Map of Volatile Facilities Threatened by Harvey IDs 
Facilities in 25 Most Affected Counties http://sc.org/2iLPa3x


Matthias Reichl, Pressesprecher/ press speaker,
Begegnungszentrum fuer aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
Wolfgangerstr. 26, A-4820 Bad Ischl, Austria,
fon: +43 6132 24590, Informationen/ informations,
Impressum in: http://www.begegnungszentrum.at
Spenden-Konto Nr. 0600-970305 (Blz. 20314) Sparkasse Salzkammergut,
Geschäftsstelle Pfandl
IBAN: AT922031400600970305 BIC: SKBIAT21XXX


Ausgezeichnet mit dem (österr.) "Journalismus-Preis von unten 2010"

Honoured by the (Austrian) "Journalism-Award from below 2010"

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