[E-rundbrief] Info 1612 - Palestinian Prisoners Day 2017, hungerstrike

Matthias Reichl info at begegnungszentrum.at
Mi Apr 19 13:15:28 CEST 2017

E-Rundbrief - Info 1612 - Palästinensische Häftlinge in Israel - 
Hungerstreik ab 17.4.2017. Palestinian Prisoners Day 2017, Einige 
Appelle von: Addameer, Samidoun und Dr. Riyad Mansour, Ambassador, 
Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations

Bad Ischl, 19.4.2017

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



Palästinensische Häftlinge in Israel - Hungerstreik ab 17.4.2017


Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention 
centers have launched a mass hunger strike starting 17 April 2017. The 
call for hunger strike came amidst resentment of Israeli’s cruel 
policies towards political prisoners. An estimated 1500 Palestinian 
prisoners have announced the beginning of an open hunger strike.

The hunger striking prisoners’ demands include: family visits, proper 
medical care, end to Israel’s practice of detaining Palestinians 
without charge or trial in so-called administrative detention and 
stopping the use of isolation. As the strike begins, Addameer Prisoner 
Support urges supporters of justice around the world to take action to 
support the Palestinian prisoners whose bodies and lives are on the 
line for freedom and dignity.

The issue of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held in Israeli 
prisons and detention centers transcends one of individual human 
rights; it is also one of collective rights of an entire people – the 
Palestinian people, who continue to be deprived of the right to 
self-determination and sovereignty – basic fundamentals of 
international law. All Palestinian political prisoners – regardless of 
their alleged political affiliations or charges – are entitled to fair 
trial guarantees under international humanitarian law and 
international human rights laws. Palestinian political prisoners and 
detainees are systematically subjected to torture and ill-treatment 
with continued impunity – highlighting the need for more solidarity 
actions from people around the globe to call for immediate release of 
all Palestinian political prisoners, long-denied their basic rights.

Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association urges all people 
to organize events in solidarity with the struggle of hunger-striking 
prisoners and detainees.  2017 marks 100 years of the Balfour 
declaration; 70 years of Palestinian Catastrophe (al-Nakba); 50 years 
of brutal military occupation. This is also the year to hold the 
Israeli occupation accountable for its actions and to demand the 
immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners!


( see: 


Palestinian prisoners plan 17 April hunger strike; Fateh prisoners 
announce program. March 25, 2017


Mehr als 1000 palästinensische Gefangene im Hungerstreik
Inhaftierte fordern bessere Bedingungen in israelischen Gefängnissen / 
Prominenter Häftling Barghuti in Isolationshaft
18.04.2017 Neues Deutschland 

Mehr als tausend Palästinenser in israelischer Haft im Hungerstreik
der standard 17. April 2017, 


Palestinian Prisoners Day

13 April 2017 by Palestine at the UN


Today, I write to bring your attention to the critical plight of 
thousands of Palestinian civilians being held captive in jails and 
detention centers of Israel, the occupying Power.

On Monday, 17 April, Palestinians all over the world, including those 
living in the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, 
will observe “Prisoners’ Day” in solidarity with the more than 6,500 
Palestinians, including 53 women and 300 children, currently 
imprisoned by Israel, among them nearly 700 being held in 
administrative detention without charge. These Palestinians are among 
the more than 800,000 Palestinians, including children, kidnapped and 
imprisoned by the occupying Power across fifty years of occupation 
since 1967 in its nearly daily military raids and arrest and detention 
campaigns, targeting the entire population, men, women and children, 
with male youth especially vulnerable.  Regrettably, Israel’s arrest 
campaigns have intensified in the past two years and continue 
unabated, effectively turning every part of Palestine into some form 
of prison, detention camp or interrogation facility.

The horrendous and deplorable conditions of Israeli captivity 
threatening the well-being, safety and lives of Palestinian prisoners 
and detainees are by now well-known and well-documented by 
international human rights organizations, including Israeli 
organizations. Day in and day out, Palestinian prisoners and detainees 
are subjected to various forms of physical and psychological abuse by 
the occupying forces. They are forced to live in unsanitary, 
unhygienic conditions and are routinely deprived of their right to 
education and health care as well as repeated denial of family visits 
and denial of access to legal aid.  Moreover, forced interrogations, 
violent beatings, solitary confinement, humiliation, threats to 
themselves or their family members and the widespread use of other 
forms of torture continue with impunity...

(Full text: 

... Dr. Riyad Mansour, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the State of 
Palestine to the United Nations


Matthias Reichl, Pressesprecher/ press speaker,
Begegnungszentrum fuer aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
Wolfgangerstr. 26, A-4820 Bad Ischl, Austria,
fon: +43 6132 24590, Informationen/ informations,
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