[E-rundbrief] Info 1151 - Mother Earth meeting 20.12.2012 Bolivia Lake Titikaka

Matthias Reichl info at begegnungszentrum.at
Mo Nov 5 20:26:24 CET 2012

E-Rundbrief - Info 1151 - International Meeting “Closing the non-time 
cycle and receiving the new cycle; time of balance and harmony for 
Mother Earth (Pachakuti)”, 20 to 22 December 2012- Lake Titikaka, Bolivia

Bad Ischl, 5.11.2012

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



Invitation to the International Meeting

“Closing the non-time cycle and receiving the new cycle; time of 
balance and harmony for Mother Earth (Pachakuti)”

(20 to 22 December 2012- Lake Titikaka- Bolivia)

Convinced that we are totality, that we are a big family with all 
there is within totality or QhonTiki (Big Bang), hence we can say that 
the sun is our Father and the moon our Mother, because our parents and 
grandparents taught us to look up, down, to the left and to the right, 
forward and backward to understand and learn from everything that 
happens around us as there are many languages in constant motion.

Feeling that it is a need and a duty to unwind the feeling and 
understanding of the bond with totality; that the sciences of the 
peoples of the world have been buried and ignored by Western 
civilization and culture.Listening to our brothers of the culture of 
life from all Kinds.

Assuming that Mayan science, portrayed in its calendar, revealed well 
in advance the end of the short-term cycles (5125 years) and the 
long-term cycles (25,625 years), this coming 21 December, and the 
alignment of the plane of our solar system with the plane and centre 
of our galaxy, considered the Cosmic Mother, marking thus the 
beginning of a new age or galactic day.

Understanding, the science of the Lakota people, which tells us: ‘... 
When the earth is dying, when mankind is in chaos, when it is at the 
edge of the abyss, vigorous “rainbow warriors” from the South will 
emerge to restore balance and harmony to Mother Earth. They will put 
their faith into action, not words…‘. ‘There will come a time when we 
will need those who preserve the traditions, legends, rituals, myths 
and all the old customs of the peoples’, to show us how to regain 
health, harmony and respect for life. Likewise, the Hopi peoples 
prophesy: ‘... When Mother Earth becomes sick and the animals start 
disappearing, then a tribe will come with people from all cultures who 
will believe in deeds and not in words, and will help restore the 
ancient beauty of Earth. They will be known as the Rainbow Warriors...’.

Reviving the message from Chief Seattle, who said: "... How can you 
buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to 
us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the 
water, how can you buy them? Every part of this earth is sacred to my 
people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in 
the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in the 
memory and experience...The sap which coursed through the trees 
carries the memories of the red man… Our dead never forget this 
beautiful earth, for she is our mother. We are part of the Earth and 
it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the 
horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the 
juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man, all belong 
to the same family…".

Retaking Tiwanakuta wisdom of Aymara and Quechua peoples, described in 
the Puerta del Sol and the Qurikancha, coinciding with the arrival of 
this new time-space that implies social and environmental changes, as 
an opportunity for humanity.

Meditating about the message of the Coca leaf, that warned us hundreds 
of years ago about the benefits and dangers of this leaf. We were told 
that for those of us who use the coca leaf in its natural state, it 
would bring strength and life, taking away sleepiness and tiredness, 
giving us vitamins and alleviating hunger and thirst, but when the 
Western man, always seeking gold would use it unnaturally, the 
opposite would happen, its juice would become disgusting and vicious. 
That which for us is spiritual nourishment, would cause them idiocy 
and madness.

Losing the fear of number 13 and its meaning, since it is the unity of 
the trinity, it is the number of full moons and new moons in the year, 
marking the true natural calendar, the sum of its digits gives the 
number of our Chakana, sacred code of our peoples and tetralectics of 
our cosmovision. The number 13, the thirteenth maize to the Mayas, is 
the number of duality and complementarity.

Reflecting that we are jaguar, river, star, mountain, butterfly, 
condor, eagle, ant, qulila, urphila, we are nature itself; that we are 
just a small part of the cosmos, we must work on consensus, balance, 
self complementation and the wise respect for our different-similar 
identity, as well as for all the other different-similar identities, 
individual or collective. We realize that everyone has to unwind their 
own Self-Pachakuti within their own individuality, to become a unity 
with the Pachakuti, which will intensify and broaden this upcoming 
Summer Solstice.

Guided by the path that has been shown by our forbearers, our 
grandparents, our ancestors, our martyrs; led by our codes, our 
symbols, our Wak'as, our father Sun, our mother Earth and all the 
energies of the new Pachakuti.

Finding ourselves in the Bolivian Andes of South America in Lake 
Titicaca where the energy of the Golden Flame with Pink Radiation, Ray 
of feminine Light lies, deepening the vibration of the Seven Rays 
announcing thus the arrival of the beginning of the age of light, the 
age of women and of the mother, the age of sensitivity and illumination.

Decoding the Scriptures of the Wisdom of the Ages, stored in the 
Himalayas, in the East, and that now come to us to enhance spiritual 
centres in the Andean Mountains of our AbyaYala. The spiritual promise 
for those pilgrims, students of Life, who from now on will be 
attracted to the South to be illustrated by the integral wisdom that 
will radiate from the Sacred Lake.

In order for us, women and men, who are similar-different, 
complementary duality, to be able to reduce our dichotomous views, by 
learning from women to become more similar than different, to be led 
more by the right hemisphere of the brain than by the left hemisphere 
alone; to be led more by the heart than by reason, finding harmony 
among all people, complementarity and Living Well, from the ancestral 
values of coexistence with the Pacha.

We call you from the heart of the Andes, from the Culture of Life and 
of the Rainbow Warriors, in the times of non-time but close to the 
millennial dawn, bringing back the feeling, thinking and knowledge 
stored in both the "wrinkles of our grandparents," Amautas and Apus, 
and our "stone books"; bringing back the perseverance of our sister 
the ant, the strength of the mountains; opening once again the wings 
of our Condors, with the power of our rivers, the faint breeze from 
our flowers and our plants.

Facing the global crisis, from the Culture of Life, from social 
movements, from the insurgents, we invite and call everyone, to meet 
and reunite in this new energetic centre of Mother Earth, the Sacred 
Lake of the Tiwanakutas, of the Incas, from WiñayMarka (Eternal Land) 
Lake Titicaca to continue thinking about our being, about our mission, 
about our behaviour, our actions, meditating on life and our Pachamama.

To take part of this great gathering of deepening and widening of the 
Pachakuti, because the vital energy of the planet is moving and is 
close to returning to Lake Titicaca for another 3,600 years; and as it 
moves this energy is generating processes of change in the places 
where it has been; which at first may seem dramatic but end up 
harmonizing and balancing everything in a higher vibration state than 
the original. The guardians of all peoples and of the Mayas say that 
this vital energy will end the journey that began in Tibet, in Lake 
Titicaca, on the 21st of December 2012, and taking into account the 
turmoil in this region of the world, one can understand that it has 
produced processes of change.

We summon you, we invite you, we call you to come together, to reunite 
and return to PACHA, to be ourselves again, and govern ourselves with 
our own codes, to return to our path, to regain our nature and become 
"qhapaq" or "qamiris " once again (people living well and not better); 
to heighten our senses until we feel and listen to the roar of the 
jaguar in the green jungle; to discover and receive messages from the 
wise, from the leaders, from the young and from the rulers of our 
peoples and to consolidate our dream of the encounter between the 
Condor and the Eagle, and to return to LIVING WELL with identity, in 
balance, in consensus and in complementarity,  in order to receive the 
new  dawn (ALBA).


The meeting point will be the Sacred Lake of Titicaca, Manco Kapac 
Province, of the Department of La Paz, Bolivia, in South America. 
Bolivia is put forward as organiser and host country for this event, 
since the Andean peoples are the new guardians of Mother Earth’s vital 
energy in this new period, in giving birth to the conscience of the 
new human being.

The dates of the gathering coincide with the Summer Solstice of the 
Southern hemisphere and the Winter Solstice of the Northern 
hemisphere, between 20 and 22 December of the year 2012, the year when 
we enter the new cosmic cycle.


All the beings from the world who feel the call to fight for life and 
harmony in the planet and who feel in their hearts that we are 
entering a new cycle as humankind, that demands us to advance further 
the values and principles of respect for LIFE.


We want to show the world that 21 December 2012, marks a new moment of 
hope and opportunity that is given to all humanity to begin a cycle of 
harmony in our history, where our behaviours, habits and attitudes 
shall be full of the profound values and principles we have been 
bequeathed by our ancestors, heroes and martyrs throughout our 
history, dramatically changing the actions of mankind towards mankind 
and the actions of mankind towards the environment it inhabits.

A new moment to bring peace where there is violence, to bring love 
where there is hatred, joy where there is sadness, hope where there is 
pessimism, unity where there is division; achieving an individual 
Living Well thus achieving Living Well in full, collectively, as an 
International Community.

“May we all go together, not leaving anyone behind,

may all have everything, and lack anything”.


(From 21 September to 21 December)

     Global crisis of capitalism.
     Civilizing matrix (world government, capitalism, socialism, 
culture of life).
     Climate Crisis - relationship mankind-nature.
     Communal energy - energy for change.
     Mother Earth – Pachamama Consciousness (Respect for life and all 
its forms of expression - cosmic rights).
     Recovery of wisdoms and ancestral traditions and customs (natural 
cosmic calendar).
     Living Well as a solution to global crisis.
     Food sovereignty.
     Integration - brotherhood, complementary communitarian economy.
     The right to communication.
     Communitarian learning for life.
     The new integral human being Kapac-Qamiri, Pachaqama (identity, 
de-patriarchalisation-complementarity, self knowledge, awakening of 
     K'umara (health).


     Meeting of the peoples and nations of the world in support of 
life, unity and global embrace for a NEW AGE OF BALANCE AND HARMONY 
     Deliberation events about relevant issues regarding the evolution 
of humanity, preservation of life and development of the conscience.
     Lightning of the sacred fire to receive the new cycle (ritual-myth)
     Multitudionous events to receive messages of brotherhood, unity, 
peace and harmony.
     Festivities for entering the new cycle.


To participate in the meeting register:

There you will find further information about the Gathering.

“The paradox of our times is that we have taller buildings but shorter 
tempers…more titles but less COMMON sense…more knowledge but less 
judgment…We talk too much, love too seldom and hate too often. We have 
conquered the outer space but not the space within…IT IS NOT TOO LATE 


(We must always engage in dialogue, we must always communicate)



Organizations of indigenous people of the Mayas, Aztecs, Tibet, 
Aymaras, Quechuas, Lakotas, Dakotas, among others ... participate in 
the meeting with the civil society organizations, governments, NGOs ...


 From September 21
to December 21, 2012

Registration virtual debate
download form

Titikaka Lake, Bolivia

Virtual registration open from September 21 at the site 
www.21diciembre.bo/ index.php/inscripciones

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need 
JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. Global crisis of capitalism
Current situation, global financial crisis, unpayable debt, the 
indignant movement.

2. Civilizing matrix
Development Models, Communism, Capitalism, Culture of life.

3. Climate Crisis
Causes, Platforms and Proposals. Planetary alliances for common actions.

4. Communal Energy
 From the Community understanding the strength of the circle and the 
collective movement towards global changes.

5. Mother Earth Consciousness – Pachamama
Cosmic rights, planetary consciousness. Respect for life and diversity.

6. Recovery of wisdoms, customs and ancestral customs
Cosmic Calendar, Worldview, climate indicators, alive memories.

7. Living Well as a solution to the global crisis
Building a common platform, common stock, common solutions.

8. Food sovereignty
World food crisis, poverty, food wisdom, agro technology of low entropy.

9. Integration
Economy based on complementary relationships, struggle against 
imperialism, alliances and partnerships.

10. The right to Communicate
A new communication model, communication strategies, structures, 
contents, freedom of expression.

11. Learning Community for Life
The cosmic knowledge "Cosmocimiento" or comprehensive and inclusive, 
from the community and to the community.

12. The new comprehensive human Qhapaj - Qamiri, Pachakamac
Parity, complementarity, reciprocity, alternation, collaboration, 
integrity, interaction.

K'umara (Health)
Health indicators, community health, global health, holistic 
integrative medicine.

Contact and Information

Coordinación General 21 de Diciembre
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
La Paz, Bolivia

     Calle Junín, esquina Ingavi
     Telf. (591-2) 2408900 Int. 2242-2244
     On Facebook | 21diciembrebolivia


En Espanol: http://www.21diciembre.bo/index.php/es/


Matthias Reichl, Pressesprecher/ press speaker,
Begegnungszentrum fuer aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
Wolfgangerstr. 26, A-4820 Bad Ischl, Austria,
fon: +43 6132 24590, Informationen/ informations,
Impressum in: http://www.begegnungszentrum.at
Spenden-Konto Nr. 0600-970305 (Blz. 20314) Sparkasse Salzkammergut,
Geschäftsstelle Pfandl
IBAN: AT922031400600970305 BIC: SKBIAT21XXX


Ausgezeichnet mit dem (österr.) "Journalismus-Preis von unten 2010"

Honoured by the (Austrian) "Journalism-Award from below 2010"

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