[E-rundbrief] Info 144 - RB Nr. 114 - World Social Forum/ WSF 2005 in Porto Alegre (Brasilien)

Matthias Reichl mareichl at ping.at
Di Okt 26 18:02:14 CEST 2004

E-Rundbrief - Info 144 - RB Nr. 114 - World Social Forum/ WSF 2005 in Porto 
Alegre (Brasilien)

Bad Ischl, 26.10.2004

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit



World Social Forum/ WSF 2005 in Porto Alegre (Brasilien)

Wieder in seine "Geburtsstadt" zurückgekehrt werden sich vom 26. - 
31.1.2005 wieder voraussichtlich 100.000 aktive Leute aus der ganzen Welt 
versammeln, um den Vernetzungs- und Kooperationsprozess der sozialen 
Bewegungen weiter vorwärts zu bringen. Mehr dazu findet ihr auf der 
offiziellen homepage www.forumsocialmundial.org.br. (2006 wird sich das WSF 
irgendwo in Afrika treffen.)

Die Teilnehmer-Registrierung läuft schon. Für österreichische Teilnehmer 
bietet AMIGO-Tours günstige Flüge an - Anmeldeschluß 15. 11. 04! (Gusti 
Glanzer, AMIGOTOUR, Hauseggerstr. 93, 8020 Graz, Tel.: 0316-574500, 
www.amigotour.org). Allerdings mußten sowohl die brasilianischen 
WSF-Organisatoren als auch AMIGO-Tours feststellen, dass die Hotelmanager 
von Porto Alegre ein Preiskartell bildeten, das unakzeptable Preise und 
Buchungsbedingungen diktiert. Private Unterkünfte sind eher rar. Trotzdem 
bemühen sich die WSF-Organisatoren weiter um eine akzeptabel Unterbringung. 
Mein Eindruck ist, dass es dem Hotel-Kartell nicht allein um Geldgier geht, 
sondern auch um die politische Behinderung des WSF, da Leute mit knappen 
Finanzen unter diesen Umständen vor den Kosten zurückschrecken. Auch ich 
musste meine ursprünglich geplante Teilnahme (und die Besuche u.a. bei 
Lutzenbergers ökologische Stiftung Gaia) zumindest auf einen günstigeren 
Termin verschieben. Wir können euch daher über das WSF nur elektronische 
Informationen weitergeben.

Matthias Reichl


WSF - E-mail-newsletter "Other Words"

To subscribe to "Other Words", just visit www.portoalegre2002.net and key 
in your e-mail address in the appropriate box, or send a blank e-mail to 
<other-words-subscribe at yahoogroups.com>. There's no need to write anything 
in the subject line or in the body of the message.


Information on how to register to World Social Forum 2005


The registrations for WSF 2005, to be held in Porto Alegre (Brazil) from 
January 26 to 31, 2005, are open to organisations and individuals. The 2005 
World Social Forum will adopt a new perspective and a new methodological 
approach, to increase collaboration and dialogue during the event, and 
avoid repetitive activities on similar issues that have been developed 
independently of each other. This initiative starts from the premise that 
its not possible to build another world without combining efforts, building 
alternatives and interlinking common actions and campaigns.

The first step in this process was the Thematic Consultation, held between 
May and July, in which 1800 organisations participated. In this 
consultation process, organisations described which issues, struggles, 
questions, problems, proposals and challenges they intend to discuss during 
the Forum. Eleven thematic terrains and three transverse themes were 
developed from an analysis of the results of this consultation process.

Understanding the new methodological approach adopted for WSF 2005 is 
fundamental before registering. As with past Forums, to propose a 
self-organised activity each organisation must link its effort to one of 
the eleven thematic areas. The most important innovation is that contact 
details and the content of proposed activities of all registered 
organisations will be accessible for public consultation. To facilitate 
this process, the registration page of the website has a search engine to 
allow organisations dealing with common issues and proposals to reach each 
other, by keyword or by proposed activities and thematic terrains. More 
advanced search options will be added to the registration page over time.

Before registering an activity, check the list of proposals
Before registering a self-organised activity, it is very important to check 
the list of proposals, to verify which interlinks have been formed on the 
same issue, campaign, struggle, question, problem, proposal or challenge. 
An important means to help you in this search is the keywords/expressions 
list, which identifies proposal contents.

The self-organised registration form for WSF 2005 has a preliminary list 
with 117 suggestions of keywords and expressions, gathered through the 
Thematic Consultation and from previous Forums. Choosing a keyword is 
crucial for facilitating the process of linkage with others that have 
similar proposals. If you think these keywords/expressions do not fit your 
activity, you can still propose a new one, and it will be analysed and 
translated for possible inclusion in the list.

While consolidation will be encouraged, it will be done in a voluntary 
manner. All organisations can hold their own activities by registering 
them. Nevertheless, if you choose to come together or consolidate your 
activities with those of other organisations, you can access your form once 
more and modify, delete or include new proposals, until November 10, 2004 
(Midnight - Brasilia Time). Please, pay attention to this deadline and 
don't leave this task to the last minute. Because so many try to access the 
system at the very end, the registration system is usually very slow nearer 
the deadline.

Registration deadline for individuals and organisations is November 30.

Individual registration
In this Forum, registration will also be open to individuals who are not 
necessarily attached to any organisation. People who don't represent an 
organisation can be registered and can participate in all programme events, 
but they can't propose activities themselves.

Cultural activities and Press registration
There will be a specific form for registering cultural activities, which 
will be available in October.
However, all organisations and individuals who deal with this issue must be 
registered right away. You can address your questions to 
fsmcultura at forumsocialmundial.org.br. Press registration will be open 
around October. For further information, send an email to: 
credenciamento at forumsocialmundial.org.br.


Matthias Reichl

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit


A-4820 Bad Ischl

Tel. +43-6132-24590

e-mail: mareichl at ping.at


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